Archive for September 4, 2010

Buzz Makers: Sandra Bullock on Life with Baby Louis; Jesse James & Tattoo Queen So Happy Together

Plus, Catherine Zeta-Jones "furious" with husband Michael Douglas' doctors. "Dancing with the Stars" developments and drama. Kara DioGuardi on why she's leaving "American Idol." Hot video of the newest 'Twilight' hunk -- and much more! Read More »

Bristol Palin on Breakup with Levi Johnston: ‘I’m Not Disappointed’

Bristol Palin said she's over Levi Johnston and dished about her "Dancing with the Stars" rehearsals on Friday's "Tonight Show." Asked by Jay Leno how she feels about the breakup with her baby's papa, Bristol said, "I'm not disappointed. I'm not heartbroken." "I tried to make it work for my son. It didn't work, and I realized that we're not meant to be, and I'm just focused on being a good mom," said Bristol, whose son with Levi -- Tripp -- was backstage. Read More »